D4 QOL Items
Type (Any)
Affix 1 (Any)
All Stats
Attack Speed
Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack
Attacks Reduce Evades Cooldown by Seconds
Barrier Generation
Basic Skill Attack Speed
Basic Skill Damage
Berserking Duration
Block Chance
Block Damage Reduction
Blood Orb Healing
Blood Skill Damage
Bone Skill Damage
Brawling Skill Damage
Cold Damage
Cold Resistance
Companion Skill Damage
Conjuration Skill Damage
Control Impaired Duration
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction
Core Skill Damage
Crackling Energy Damage
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Critical Strike Damage
Critical Strike Damage with Bone Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Werewolf Skills
Crowd Control Duration
Cutthroat Skill Damage
Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Affected By Shadow Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Bleeding
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Burning
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Poisoned
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Damage Reduction while Injured
Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb
Damage to Affected by Shadow Damage Over Time Enemies
Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Damage to Burning Enemies
Damage to Chilled Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Dazed Enemies
Damage to Distant Enemies
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
Damage to Frozen Enemies
Damage to Healthy Enemies
Damage to Injured Enemies
Damage to Poisoned Enemies
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Damage whiile in Human Form
Damage while Berserking
Damage while Shapeshifted
Damage while in Human Form
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Damage with Ranged Weapons
Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Darkness Skill Damage
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Earth Skill Damage
Energy Cost Reduction
Essence Cost Reduction
Evade Grants Movement Speed for Second
Fire Damage
Fire Damage Over Time
Fire Resistance
Fortify Generation
Frost Skill Damage
Fury Cost Reduction
Golems Inherit % of Your Thorns
Healing Received
Imbued Skill Damage
Imbuement Skill Cooldown
Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction
Life On Kill
Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently
Lightning Critical Strike Damage
Lightning Damage
Lightning Resistance
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Heal
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Slow
Lucky Hit: Up to a Chance to Restore % Primary Resource
Main Hand Weapon Damage
Mana Cost Reduction
Marksman Skill Damage
Max Evade Charge
Maximum Energy
Maximum Essence
Maximum Fury
Maximum Life
Maximum Mana
Maximum Minion Life
Maximum Spirit
Minion Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Overpower Damage
Overpower Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills
Physical Damage
Physical Damage Over Time
Poison Damage
Poison Resistance
Potion Capacity
Potion Drop Rate
Pyromancy Skill Damage
Rank of All Agility Skills
Rank of All Imbuement Skills
Ranks of All Brawling Skills
Ranks of All Companion Skills
Ranks of All Conjuration Skills
Ranks of All Corpse Skills
Ranks of All Curse Skills
Ranks of All Defensive Skills
Ranks of All Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Subterfuge Skills
Ranks of All Weapon Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Wrath Skills
Ranks of Ball Lightning
Ranks of Barrage
Ranks of Blight
Ranks of Blizzard
Ranks of Blood Howl
Ranks of Blood Lance
Ranks of Blood Mist
Ranks of Blood Surge
Ranks of Bone Prison
Ranks of Bone Spear
Ranks of Bone Spirit
Ranks of Boulder
Ranks of Caltrops
Ranks of Chain Lightning
Ranks of Challenging Shout
Ranks of Charge
Ranks of Charged Bolts
Ranks of Cold Imbuement
Ranks of Concealment
Ranks of Corpse Explosion
Ranks of Corpse Tendrils
Ranks of Cyclone Armor
Ranks of Dark Shroud
Ranks of Dash
Ranks of Death Blow
Ranks of Debilitating Roar
Ranks of Decrepify
Ranks of Double Swing
Ranks of Earthen Bulwark
Ranks of Fireball
Ranks of Firewall
Ranks of Flame Shield
Ranks of Flurry
Ranks of Frost Nova
Ranks of Frozen Orb
Ranks of Ground Stomp
Ranks of Hammer of the Ancients
Ranks of Hurricane
Ranks of Hydra
Ranks of Ice Armor
Ranks of Ice Blades
Ranks of Ice Shards
Ranks of Incinerate
Ranks of Iron Maiden
Ranks of Iron Skin
Ranks of Kick
Ranks of Landslide
Ranks of Leap
Ranks of Lightning Spear
Ranks of Lightning Storm
Ranks of Meteor
Ranks of Penetrating Shot
Ranks of Poison Creeper
Ranks of Poison Imbuement
Ranks of Poison Trap
Ranks of Pulverize
Ranks of Rabies
Ranks of Rallying Cry
Ranks of Rapid Fire
Ranks of Ravens
Ranks of Rend
Ranks of Rupture
Ranks of Sever
Ranks of Shadow Imbuement
Ranks of Shadow Step
Ranks of Shred
Ranks of Smoke Grenade
Ranks of Steel Grasp
Ranks of Teleport
Ranks of Tornado
Ranks of Trample
Ranks of Twisting Blades
Ranks of Upheaval
Ranks of War Cry
Ranks of Whirlwind
Ranks of Wolves
Ranks of the Amplify Damage Passive
Ranks of the Brute Force Passive
Ranks of the Call of the Wild Passive
Ranks of the Coalesced Blood Passive
Ranks of the Compound Fracture Passive
Ranks of the Conjuration Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Counteroffensive Passive
Ranks of the Crushing Earth Passive
Ranks of the Cut to the Bone Passive
Ranks of the Deadly Venom Passive
Ranks of the Deaths Reach Passive
Ranks of the Defiance Passive
Ranks of the Devouring Blaze Passive
Ranks of the Elemental Dominance Passive
Ranks of the Endless Pyre Passive
Ranks of the Envenom Passive
Ranks of the Evulsion Passive
Ranks of the Exploit Passive
Ranks of the Frigid Finesse Passive
Ranks of the Fueled by Death Passive
Ranks of the Glass Cannon Passive
Ranks of the Gloom Passive
Ranks of the Heavy Handed Passive
Ranks of the Hellbent Commander Passive
Ranks of the Hoarfrost Passive
Ranks of the Icy Touch Passive
Ranks of the Imperfectly Balanced Passive
Ranks of the Impetus Passive
Ranks of the Inner Flames Passive
Ranks of the Malice Passive
Ranks of the Natural Disaster Passive
Ranks of the Natures Reach Passive
Ranks of the No Mercy Passive
Ranks of the Outburst Passive
Ranks of the Permafrost Passive
Ranks of the Quickshift Passive
Ranks of the Resonance Passive
Ranks of the Shocking Impact Passive
Ranks of the Slaying Strike Passive
Ranks of the Stone Guard Passive
Ranks of the Terror Passive
Ranks of the Tides of Blood Passive
Ranks of the Tough as Nails Passive
Ranks of the Toxic Claws Passive
Ranks of the Wallop Passive
Ranks of the Weapon Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Wild Impulses Passive
Reduces the Arm Time of your Trap Skills
Resistance to All Elements
Resource Generation
Shadow Damage
Shadow Damage Over Time
Shadow Resistance
Shock Skill Damage
Shrine Buff Duration
Skeletal Mages Inherit % of Your Thorns
Skeletal Warriors Inherit % of Your Thorns
Slow Duration Reduction
Spirit Cost Reduction
Storm Skill Cooldown Reduction
Storm Skill Damage
Summoning Skill Damage
Total Armor
Total Armor while in Werebear Form
Total Armor while in Werewolf Form
Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction
Trap Skill Damage
Ultimate Skill Damage
Vulnerable Damage
Weapon Mastery Skill Damage
Werebear Skill Damage
Werewolf Skill Damage
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Maximum Life as Barrier
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Movement Speed for Seconds
While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores Resource
Affix 2 (Any)
All Stats
Attack Speed
Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack
Attacks Reduce Evades Cooldown by Seconds
Barrier Generation
Basic Skill Attack Speed
Basic Skill Damage
Berserking Duration
Block Chance
Block Damage Reduction
Blood Orb Healing
Blood Skill Damage
Bone Skill Damage
Brawling Skill Damage
Cold Damage
Cold Resistance
Companion Skill Damage
Conjuration Skill Damage
Control Impaired Duration
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction
Core Skill Damage
Crackling Energy Damage
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Critical Strike Damage
Critical Strike Damage with Bone Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Werewolf Skills
Crowd Control Duration
Cutthroat Skill Damage
Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Affected By Shadow Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Bleeding
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Burning
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Poisoned
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Damage Reduction while Injured
Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb
Damage to Affected by Shadow Damage Over Time Enemies
Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Damage to Burning Enemies
Damage to Chilled Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Dazed Enemies
Damage to Distant Enemies
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
Damage to Frozen Enemies
Damage to Healthy Enemies
Damage to Injured Enemies
Damage to Poisoned Enemies
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Damage whiile in Human Form
Damage while Berserking
Damage while Shapeshifted
Damage while in Human Form
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Damage with Ranged Weapons
Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Darkness Skill Damage
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Earth Skill Damage
Energy Cost Reduction
Essence Cost Reduction
Evade Grants Movement Speed for Second
Fire Damage
Fire Damage Over Time
Fire Resistance
Fortify Generation
Frost Skill Damage
Fury Cost Reduction
Golems Inherit % of Your Thorns
Healing Received
Imbued Skill Damage
Imbuement Skill Cooldown
Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction
Life On Kill
Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently
Lightning Critical Strike Damage
Lightning Damage
Lightning Resistance
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Heal
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Slow
Lucky Hit: Up to a Chance to Restore % Primary Resource
Main Hand Weapon Damage
Mana Cost Reduction
Marksman Skill Damage
Max Evade Charge
Maximum Energy
Maximum Essence
Maximum Fury
Maximum Life
Maximum Mana
Maximum Minion Life
Maximum Spirit
Minion Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Overpower Damage
Overpower Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills
Physical Damage
Physical Damage Over Time
Poison Damage
Poison Resistance
Potion Capacity
Potion Drop Rate
Pyromancy Skill Damage
Rank of All Agility Skills
Rank of All Imbuement Skills
Ranks of All Brawling Skills
Ranks of All Companion Skills
Ranks of All Conjuration Skills
Ranks of All Corpse Skills
Ranks of All Curse Skills
Ranks of All Defensive Skills
Ranks of All Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Subterfuge Skills
Ranks of All Weapon Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Wrath Skills
Ranks of Ball Lightning
Ranks of Barrage
Ranks of Blight
Ranks of Blizzard
Ranks of Blood Howl
Ranks of Blood Lance
Ranks of Blood Mist
Ranks of Blood Surge
Ranks of Bone Prison
Ranks of Bone Spear
Ranks of Bone Spirit
Ranks of Boulder
Ranks of Caltrops
Ranks of Chain Lightning
Ranks of Challenging Shout
Ranks of Charge
Ranks of Charged Bolts
Ranks of Cold Imbuement
Ranks of Concealment
Ranks of Corpse Explosion
Ranks of Corpse Tendrils
Ranks of Cyclone Armor
Ranks of Dark Shroud
Ranks of Dash
Ranks of Death Blow
Ranks of Debilitating Roar
Ranks of Decrepify
Ranks of Double Swing
Ranks of Earthen Bulwark
Ranks of Fireball
Ranks of Firewall
Ranks of Flame Shield
Ranks of Flurry
Ranks of Frost Nova
Ranks of Frozen Orb
Ranks of Ground Stomp
Ranks of Hammer of the Ancients
Ranks of Hurricane
Ranks of Hydra
Ranks of Ice Armor
Ranks of Ice Blades
Ranks of Ice Shards
Ranks of Incinerate
Ranks of Iron Maiden
Ranks of Iron Skin
Ranks of Kick
Ranks of Landslide
Ranks of Leap
Ranks of Lightning Spear
Ranks of Lightning Storm
Ranks of Meteor
Ranks of Penetrating Shot
Ranks of Poison Creeper
Ranks of Poison Imbuement
Ranks of Poison Trap
Ranks of Pulverize
Ranks of Rabies
Ranks of Rallying Cry
Ranks of Rapid Fire
Ranks of Ravens
Ranks of Rend
Ranks of Rupture
Ranks of Sever
Ranks of Shadow Imbuement
Ranks of Shadow Step
Ranks of Shred
Ranks of Smoke Grenade
Ranks of Steel Grasp
Ranks of Teleport
Ranks of Tornado
Ranks of Trample
Ranks of Twisting Blades
Ranks of Upheaval
Ranks of War Cry
Ranks of Whirlwind
Ranks of Wolves
Ranks of the Amplify Damage Passive
Ranks of the Brute Force Passive
Ranks of the Call of the Wild Passive
Ranks of the Coalesced Blood Passive
Ranks of the Compound Fracture Passive
Ranks of the Conjuration Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Counteroffensive Passive
Ranks of the Crushing Earth Passive
Ranks of the Cut to the Bone Passive
Ranks of the Deadly Venom Passive
Ranks of the Deaths Reach Passive
Ranks of the Defiance Passive
Ranks of the Devouring Blaze Passive
Ranks of the Elemental Dominance Passive
Ranks of the Endless Pyre Passive
Ranks of the Envenom Passive
Ranks of the Evulsion Passive
Ranks of the Exploit Passive
Ranks of the Frigid Finesse Passive
Ranks of the Fueled by Death Passive
Ranks of the Glass Cannon Passive
Ranks of the Gloom Passive
Ranks of the Heavy Handed Passive
Ranks of the Hellbent Commander Passive
Ranks of the Hoarfrost Passive
Ranks of the Icy Touch Passive
Ranks of the Imperfectly Balanced Passive
Ranks of the Impetus Passive
Ranks of the Inner Flames Passive
Ranks of the Malice Passive
Ranks of the Natural Disaster Passive
Ranks of the Natures Reach Passive
Ranks of the No Mercy Passive
Ranks of the Outburst Passive
Ranks of the Permafrost Passive
Ranks of the Quickshift Passive
Ranks of the Resonance Passive
Ranks of the Shocking Impact Passive
Ranks of the Slaying Strike Passive
Ranks of the Stone Guard Passive
Ranks of the Terror Passive
Ranks of the Tides of Blood Passive
Ranks of the Tough as Nails Passive
Ranks of the Toxic Claws Passive
Ranks of the Wallop Passive
Ranks of the Weapon Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Wild Impulses Passive
Reduces the Arm Time of your Trap Skills
Resistance to All Elements
Resource Generation
Shadow Damage
Shadow Damage Over Time
Shadow Resistance
Shock Skill Damage
Shrine Buff Duration
Skeletal Mages Inherit % of Your Thorns
Skeletal Warriors Inherit % of Your Thorns
Slow Duration Reduction
Spirit Cost Reduction
Storm Skill Cooldown Reduction
Storm Skill Damage
Summoning Skill Damage
Total Armor
Total Armor while in Werebear Form
Total Armor while in Werewolf Form
Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction
Trap Skill Damage
Ultimate Skill Damage
Vulnerable Damage
Weapon Mastery Skill Damage
Werebear Skill Damage
Werewolf Skill Damage
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Maximum Life as Barrier
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Movement Speed for Seconds
While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores Resource
Affix 3 (Any)
All Stats
Attack Speed
Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack
Attacks Reduce Evades Cooldown by Seconds
Barrier Generation
Basic Skill Attack Speed
Basic Skill Damage
Berserking Duration
Block Chance
Block Damage Reduction
Blood Orb Healing
Blood Skill Damage
Bone Skill Damage
Brawling Skill Damage
Cold Damage
Cold Resistance
Companion Skill Damage
Conjuration Skill Damage
Control Impaired Duration
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction
Core Skill Damage
Crackling Energy Damage
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Critical Strike Damage
Critical Strike Damage with Bone Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Werewolf Skills
Crowd Control Duration
Cutthroat Skill Damage
Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Affected By Shadow Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Bleeding
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Burning
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Poisoned
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Damage Reduction while Injured
Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb
Damage to Affected by Shadow Damage Over Time Enemies
Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Damage to Burning Enemies
Damage to Chilled Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Dazed Enemies
Damage to Distant Enemies
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
Damage to Frozen Enemies
Damage to Healthy Enemies
Damage to Injured Enemies
Damage to Poisoned Enemies
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Damage whiile in Human Form
Damage while Berserking
Damage while Shapeshifted
Damage while in Human Form
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Damage with Ranged Weapons
Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Darkness Skill Damage
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Earth Skill Damage
Energy Cost Reduction
Essence Cost Reduction
Evade Grants Movement Speed for Second
Fire Damage
Fire Damage Over Time
Fire Resistance
Fortify Generation
Frost Skill Damage
Fury Cost Reduction
Golems Inherit % of Your Thorns
Healing Received
Imbued Skill Damage
Imbuement Skill Cooldown
Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction
Life On Kill
Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently
Lightning Critical Strike Damage
Lightning Damage
Lightning Resistance
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Heal
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Slow
Lucky Hit: Up to a Chance to Restore % Primary Resource
Main Hand Weapon Damage
Mana Cost Reduction
Marksman Skill Damage
Max Evade Charge
Maximum Energy
Maximum Essence
Maximum Fury
Maximum Life
Maximum Mana
Maximum Minion Life
Maximum Spirit
Minion Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Overpower Damage
Overpower Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills
Physical Damage
Physical Damage Over Time
Poison Damage
Poison Resistance
Potion Capacity
Potion Drop Rate
Pyromancy Skill Damage
Rank of All Agility Skills
Rank of All Imbuement Skills
Ranks of All Brawling Skills
Ranks of All Companion Skills
Ranks of All Conjuration Skills
Ranks of All Corpse Skills
Ranks of All Curse Skills
Ranks of All Defensive Skills
Ranks of All Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Subterfuge Skills
Ranks of All Weapon Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Wrath Skills
Ranks of Ball Lightning
Ranks of Barrage
Ranks of Blight
Ranks of Blizzard
Ranks of Blood Howl
Ranks of Blood Lance
Ranks of Blood Mist
Ranks of Blood Surge
Ranks of Bone Prison
Ranks of Bone Spear
Ranks of Bone Spirit
Ranks of Boulder
Ranks of Caltrops
Ranks of Chain Lightning
Ranks of Challenging Shout
Ranks of Charge
Ranks of Charged Bolts
Ranks of Cold Imbuement
Ranks of Concealment
Ranks of Corpse Explosion
Ranks of Corpse Tendrils
Ranks of Cyclone Armor
Ranks of Dark Shroud
Ranks of Dash
Ranks of Death Blow
Ranks of Debilitating Roar
Ranks of Decrepify
Ranks of Double Swing
Ranks of Earthen Bulwark
Ranks of Fireball
Ranks of Firewall
Ranks of Flame Shield
Ranks of Flurry
Ranks of Frost Nova
Ranks of Frozen Orb
Ranks of Ground Stomp
Ranks of Hammer of the Ancients
Ranks of Hurricane
Ranks of Hydra
Ranks of Ice Armor
Ranks of Ice Blades
Ranks of Ice Shards
Ranks of Incinerate
Ranks of Iron Maiden
Ranks of Iron Skin
Ranks of Kick
Ranks of Landslide
Ranks of Leap
Ranks of Lightning Spear
Ranks of Lightning Storm
Ranks of Meteor
Ranks of Penetrating Shot
Ranks of Poison Creeper
Ranks of Poison Imbuement
Ranks of Poison Trap
Ranks of Pulverize
Ranks of Rabies
Ranks of Rallying Cry
Ranks of Rapid Fire
Ranks of Ravens
Ranks of Rend
Ranks of Rupture
Ranks of Sever
Ranks of Shadow Imbuement
Ranks of Shadow Step
Ranks of Shred
Ranks of Smoke Grenade
Ranks of Steel Grasp
Ranks of Teleport
Ranks of Tornado
Ranks of Trample
Ranks of Twisting Blades
Ranks of Upheaval
Ranks of War Cry
Ranks of Whirlwind
Ranks of Wolves
Ranks of the Amplify Damage Passive
Ranks of the Brute Force Passive
Ranks of the Call of the Wild Passive
Ranks of the Coalesced Blood Passive
Ranks of the Compound Fracture Passive
Ranks of the Conjuration Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Counteroffensive Passive
Ranks of the Crushing Earth Passive
Ranks of the Cut to the Bone Passive
Ranks of the Deadly Venom Passive
Ranks of the Deaths Reach Passive
Ranks of the Defiance Passive
Ranks of the Devouring Blaze Passive
Ranks of the Elemental Dominance Passive
Ranks of the Endless Pyre Passive
Ranks of the Envenom Passive
Ranks of the Evulsion Passive
Ranks of the Exploit Passive
Ranks of the Frigid Finesse Passive
Ranks of the Fueled by Death Passive
Ranks of the Glass Cannon Passive
Ranks of the Gloom Passive
Ranks of the Heavy Handed Passive
Ranks of the Hellbent Commander Passive
Ranks of the Hoarfrost Passive
Ranks of the Icy Touch Passive
Ranks of the Imperfectly Balanced Passive
Ranks of the Impetus Passive
Ranks of the Inner Flames Passive
Ranks of the Malice Passive
Ranks of the Natural Disaster Passive
Ranks of the Natures Reach Passive
Ranks of the No Mercy Passive
Ranks of the Outburst Passive
Ranks of the Permafrost Passive
Ranks of the Quickshift Passive
Ranks of the Resonance Passive
Ranks of the Shocking Impact Passive
Ranks of the Slaying Strike Passive
Ranks of the Stone Guard Passive
Ranks of the Terror Passive
Ranks of the Tides of Blood Passive
Ranks of the Tough as Nails Passive
Ranks of the Toxic Claws Passive
Ranks of the Wallop Passive
Ranks of the Weapon Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Wild Impulses Passive
Reduces the Arm Time of your Trap Skills
Resistance to All Elements
Resource Generation
Shadow Damage
Shadow Damage Over Time
Shadow Resistance
Shock Skill Damage
Shrine Buff Duration
Skeletal Mages Inherit % of Your Thorns
Skeletal Warriors Inherit % of Your Thorns
Slow Duration Reduction
Spirit Cost Reduction
Storm Skill Cooldown Reduction
Storm Skill Damage
Summoning Skill Damage
Total Armor
Total Armor while in Werebear Form
Total Armor while in Werewolf Form
Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction
Trap Skill Damage
Ultimate Skill Damage
Vulnerable Damage
Weapon Mastery Skill Damage
Werebear Skill Damage
Werewolf Skill Damage
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Maximum Life as Barrier
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Movement Speed for Seconds
While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores Resource
Affix 4 (Any)
All Stats
Attack Speed
Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack
Attacks Reduce Evades Cooldown by Seconds
Barrier Generation
Basic Skill Attack Speed
Basic Skill Damage
Berserking Duration
Block Chance
Block Damage Reduction
Blood Orb Healing
Blood Skill Damage
Bone Skill Damage
Brawling Skill Damage
Cold Damage
Cold Resistance
Companion Skill Damage
Conjuration Skill Damage
Control Impaired Duration
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction
Core Skill Damage
Crackling Energy Damage
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Critical Strike Damage
Critical Strike Damage with Bone Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Werewolf Skills
Crowd Control Duration
Cutthroat Skill Damage
Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Affected By Shadow Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Bleeding
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Burning
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Poisoned
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Damage Reduction while Injured
Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb
Damage to Affected by Shadow Damage Over Time Enemies
Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Damage to Burning Enemies
Damage to Chilled Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Dazed Enemies
Damage to Distant Enemies
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
Damage to Frozen Enemies
Damage to Healthy Enemies
Damage to Injured Enemies
Damage to Poisoned Enemies
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Damage whiile in Human Form
Damage while Berserking
Damage while Shapeshifted
Damage while in Human Form
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Damage with Ranged Weapons
Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Darkness Skill Damage
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Earth Skill Damage
Energy Cost Reduction
Essence Cost Reduction
Evade Grants Movement Speed for Second
Fire Damage
Fire Damage Over Time
Fire Resistance
Fortify Generation
Frost Skill Damage
Fury Cost Reduction
Golems Inherit % of Your Thorns
Healing Received
Imbued Skill Damage
Imbuement Skill Cooldown
Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction
Life On Kill
Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently
Lightning Critical Strike Damage
Lightning Damage
Lightning Resistance
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Heal
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Slow
Lucky Hit: Up to a Chance to Restore % Primary Resource
Main Hand Weapon Damage
Mana Cost Reduction
Marksman Skill Damage
Max Evade Charge
Maximum Energy
Maximum Essence
Maximum Fury
Maximum Life
Maximum Mana
Maximum Minion Life
Maximum Spirit
Minion Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Overpower Damage
Overpower Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills
Physical Damage
Physical Damage Over Time
Poison Damage
Poison Resistance
Potion Capacity
Potion Drop Rate
Pyromancy Skill Damage
Rank of All Agility Skills
Rank of All Imbuement Skills
Ranks of All Brawling Skills
Ranks of All Companion Skills
Ranks of All Conjuration Skills
Ranks of All Corpse Skills
Ranks of All Curse Skills
Ranks of All Defensive Skills
Ranks of All Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Subterfuge Skills
Ranks of All Weapon Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Wrath Skills
Ranks of Ball Lightning
Ranks of Barrage
Ranks of Blight
Ranks of Blizzard
Ranks of Blood Howl
Ranks of Blood Lance
Ranks of Blood Mist
Ranks of Blood Surge
Ranks of Bone Prison
Ranks of Bone Spear
Ranks of Bone Spirit
Ranks of Boulder
Ranks of Caltrops
Ranks of Chain Lightning
Ranks of Challenging Shout
Ranks of Charge
Ranks of Charged Bolts
Ranks of Cold Imbuement
Ranks of Concealment
Ranks of Corpse Explosion
Ranks of Corpse Tendrils
Ranks of Cyclone Armor
Ranks of Dark Shroud
Ranks of Dash
Ranks of Death Blow
Ranks of Debilitating Roar
Ranks of Decrepify
Ranks of Double Swing
Ranks of Earthen Bulwark
Ranks of Fireball
Ranks of Firewall
Ranks of Flame Shield
Ranks of Flurry
Ranks of Frost Nova
Ranks of Frozen Orb
Ranks of Ground Stomp
Ranks of Hammer of the Ancients
Ranks of Hurricane
Ranks of Hydra
Ranks of Ice Armor
Ranks of Ice Blades
Ranks of Ice Shards
Ranks of Incinerate
Ranks of Iron Maiden
Ranks of Iron Skin
Ranks of Kick
Ranks of Landslide
Ranks of Leap
Ranks of Lightning Spear
Ranks of Lightning Storm
Ranks of Meteor
Ranks of Penetrating Shot
Ranks of Poison Creeper
Ranks of Poison Imbuement
Ranks of Poison Trap
Ranks of Pulverize
Ranks of Rabies
Ranks of Rallying Cry
Ranks of Rapid Fire
Ranks of Ravens
Ranks of Rend
Ranks of Rupture
Ranks of Sever
Ranks of Shadow Imbuement
Ranks of Shadow Step
Ranks of Shred
Ranks of Smoke Grenade
Ranks of Steel Grasp
Ranks of Teleport
Ranks of Tornado
Ranks of Trample
Ranks of Twisting Blades
Ranks of Upheaval
Ranks of War Cry
Ranks of Whirlwind
Ranks of Wolves
Ranks of the Amplify Damage Passive
Ranks of the Brute Force Passive
Ranks of the Call of the Wild Passive
Ranks of the Coalesced Blood Passive
Ranks of the Compound Fracture Passive
Ranks of the Conjuration Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Counteroffensive Passive
Ranks of the Crushing Earth Passive
Ranks of the Cut to the Bone Passive
Ranks of the Deadly Venom Passive
Ranks of the Deaths Reach Passive
Ranks of the Defiance Passive
Ranks of the Devouring Blaze Passive
Ranks of the Elemental Dominance Passive
Ranks of the Endless Pyre Passive
Ranks of the Envenom Passive
Ranks of the Evulsion Passive
Ranks of the Exploit Passive
Ranks of the Frigid Finesse Passive
Ranks of the Fueled by Death Passive
Ranks of the Glass Cannon Passive
Ranks of the Gloom Passive
Ranks of the Heavy Handed Passive
Ranks of the Hellbent Commander Passive
Ranks of the Hoarfrost Passive
Ranks of the Icy Touch Passive
Ranks of the Imperfectly Balanced Passive
Ranks of the Impetus Passive
Ranks of the Inner Flames Passive
Ranks of the Malice Passive
Ranks of the Natural Disaster Passive
Ranks of the Natures Reach Passive
Ranks of the No Mercy Passive
Ranks of the Outburst Passive
Ranks of the Permafrost Passive
Ranks of the Quickshift Passive
Ranks of the Resonance Passive
Ranks of the Shocking Impact Passive
Ranks of the Slaying Strike Passive
Ranks of the Stone Guard Passive
Ranks of the Terror Passive
Ranks of the Tides of Blood Passive
Ranks of the Tough as Nails Passive
Ranks of the Toxic Claws Passive
Ranks of the Wallop Passive
Ranks of the Weapon Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Wild Impulses Passive
Reduces the Arm Time of your Trap Skills
Resistance to All Elements
Resource Generation
Shadow Damage
Shadow Damage Over Time
Shadow Resistance
Shock Skill Damage
Shrine Buff Duration
Skeletal Mages Inherit % of Your Thorns
Skeletal Warriors Inherit % of Your Thorns
Slow Duration Reduction
Spirit Cost Reduction
Storm Skill Cooldown Reduction
Storm Skill Damage
Summoning Skill Damage
Total Armor
Total Armor while in Werebear Form
Total Armor while in Werewolf Form
Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction
Trap Skill Damage
Ultimate Skill Damage
Vulnerable Damage
Weapon Mastery Skill Damage
Werebear Skill Damage
Werewolf Skill Damage
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Maximum Life as Barrier
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Movement Speed for Seconds
While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores Resource
Affix 5 (Any)
All Stats
Attack Speed
Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack
Attacks Reduce Evades Cooldown by Seconds
Barrier Generation
Basic Skill Attack Speed
Basic Skill Damage
Berserking Duration
Block Chance
Block Damage Reduction
Blood Orb Healing
Blood Skill Damage
Bone Skill Damage
Brawling Skill Damage
Cold Damage
Cold Resistance
Companion Skill Damage
Conjuration Skill Damage
Control Impaired Duration
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction
Core Skill Damage
Crackling Energy Damage
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Critical Strike Damage
Critical Strike Damage with Bone Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills
Critical Strike Damage with Werewolf Skills
Crowd Control Duration
Cutthroat Skill Damage
Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Affected By Shadow Damage Over Time
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Bleeding
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Burning
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Poisoned
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Damage Reduction while Injured
Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb
Damage to Affected by Shadow Damage Over Time Enemies
Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Damage to Burning Enemies
Damage to Chilled Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Dazed Enemies
Damage to Distant Enemies
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
Damage to Frozen Enemies
Damage to Healthy Enemies
Damage to Injured Enemies
Damage to Poisoned Enemies
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Damage whiile in Human Form
Damage while Berserking
Damage while Shapeshifted
Damage while in Human Form
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Damage with Ranged Weapons
Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Darkness Skill Damage
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Earth Skill Damage
Energy Cost Reduction
Essence Cost Reduction
Evade Grants Movement Speed for Second
Fire Damage
Fire Damage Over Time
Fire Resistance
Fortify Generation
Frost Skill Damage
Fury Cost Reduction
Golems Inherit % of Your Thorns
Healing Received
Imbued Skill Damage
Imbuement Skill Cooldown
Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction
Life On Kill
Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently
Lightning Critical Strike Damage
Lightning Damage
Lightning Resistance
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Heal
Lucky Hit: Up to a % Chance to Slow
Lucky Hit: Up to a Chance to Restore % Primary Resource
Main Hand Weapon Damage
Mana Cost Reduction
Marksman Skill Damage
Max Evade Charge
Maximum Energy
Maximum Essence
Maximum Fury
Maximum Life
Maximum Mana
Maximum Minion Life
Maximum Spirit
Minion Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Overpower Damage
Overpower Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills
Physical Damage
Physical Damage Over Time
Poison Damage
Poison Resistance
Potion Capacity
Potion Drop Rate
Pyromancy Skill Damage
Rank of All Agility Skills
Rank of All Imbuement Skills
Ranks of All Brawling Skills
Ranks of All Companion Skills
Ranks of All Conjuration Skills
Ranks of All Corpse Skills
Ranks of All Curse Skills
Ranks of All Defensive Skills
Ranks of All Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Subterfuge Skills
Ranks of All Weapon Mastery Skills
Ranks of All Wrath Skills
Ranks of Ball Lightning
Ranks of Barrage
Ranks of Blight
Ranks of Blizzard
Ranks of Blood Howl
Ranks of Blood Lance
Ranks of Blood Mist
Ranks of Blood Surge
Ranks of Bone Prison
Ranks of Bone Spear
Ranks of Bone Spirit
Ranks of Boulder
Ranks of Caltrops
Ranks of Chain Lightning
Ranks of Challenging Shout
Ranks of Charge
Ranks of Charged Bolts
Ranks of Cold Imbuement
Ranks of Concealment
Ranks of Corpse Explosion
Ranks of Corpse Tendrils
Ranks of Cyclone Armor
Ranks of Dark Shroud
Ranks of Dash
Ranks of Death Blow
Ranks of Debilitating Roar
Ranks of Decrepify
Ranks of Double Swing
Ranks of Earthen Bulwark
Ranks of Fireball
Ranks of Firewall
Ranks of Flame Shield
Ranks of Flurry
Ranks of Frost Nova
Ranks of Frozen Orb
Ranks of Ground Stomp
Ranks of Hammer of the Ancients
Ranks of Hurricane
Ranks of Hydra
Ranks of Ice Armor
Ranks of Ice Blades
Ranks of Ice Shards
Ranks of Incinerate
Ranks of Iron Maiden
Ranks of Iron Skin
Ranks of Kick
Ranks of Landslide
Ranks of Leap
Ranks of Lightning Spear
Ranks of Lightning Storm
Ranks of Meteor
Ranks of Penetrating Shot
Ranks of Poison Creeper
Ranks of Poison Imbuement
Ranks of Poison Trap
Ranks of Pulverize
Ranks of Rabies
Ranks of Rallying Cry
Ranks of Rapid Fire
Ranks of Ravens
Ranks of Rend
Ranks of Rupture
Ranks of Sever
Ranks of Shadow Imbuement
Ranks of Shadow Step
Ranks of Shred
Ranks of Smoke Grenade
Ranks of Steel Grasp
Ranks of Teleport
Ranks of Tornado
Ranks of Trample
Ranks of Twisting Blades
Ranks of Upheaval
Ranks of War Cry
Ranks of Whirlwind
Ranks of Wolves
Ranks of the Amplify Damage Passive
Ranks of the Brute Force Passive
Ranks of the Call of the Wild Passive
Ranks of the Coalesced Blood Passive
Ranks of the Compound Fracture Passive
Ranks of the Conjuration Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Counteroffensive Passive
Ranks of the Crushing Earth Passive
Ranks of the Cut to the Bone Passive
Ranks of the Deadly Venom Passive
Ranks of the Deaths Reach Passive
Ranks of the Defiance Passive
Ranks of the Devouring Blaze Passive
Ranks of the Elemental Dominance Passive
Ranks of the Endless Pyre Passive
Ranks of the Envenom Passive
Ranks of the Evulsion Passive
Ranks of the Exploit Passive
Ranks of the Frigid Finesse Passive
Ranks of the Fueled by Death Passive
Ranks of the Glass Cannon Passive
Ranks of the Gloom Passive
Ranks of the Heavy Handed Passive
Ranks of the Hellbent Commander Passive
Ranks of the Hoarfrost Passive
Ranks of the Icy Touch Passive
Ranks of the Imperfectly Balanced Passive
Ranks of the Impetus Passive
Ranks of the Inner Flames Passive
Ranks of the Malice Passive
Ranks of the Natural Disaster Passive
Ranks of the Natures Reach Passive
Ranks of the No Mercy Passive
Ranks of the Outburst Passive
Ranks of the Permafrost Passive
Ranks of the Quickshift Passive
Ranks of the Resonance Passive
Ranks of the Shocking Impact Passive
Ranks of the Slaying Strike Passive
Ranks of the Stone Guard Passive
Ranks of the Terror Passive
Ranks of the Tides of Blood Passive
Ranks of the Tough as Nails Passive
Ranks of the Toxic Claws Passive
Ranks of the Wallop Passive
Ranks of the Weapon Mastery Passive
Ranks of the Wild Impulses Passive
Reduces the Arm Time of your Trap Skills
Resistance to All Elements
Resource Generation
Shadow Damage
Shadow Damage Over Time
Shadow Resistance
Shock Skill Damage
Shrine Buff Duration
Skeletal Mages Inherit % of Your Thorns
Skeletal Warriors Inherit % of Your Thorns
Slow Duration Reduction
Spirit Cost Reduction
Storm Skill Cooldown Reduction
Storm Skill Damage
Summoning Skill Damage
Total Armor
Total Armor while in Werebear Form
Total Armor while in Werewolf Form
Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction
Trap Skill Damage
Ultimate Skill Damage
Vulnerable Damage
Weapon Mastery Skill Damage
Werebear Skill Damage
Werewolf Skill Damage
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Maximum Life as Barrier
While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants Movement Speed for Seconds
While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores Resource
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[Items: 1 - 10]